국제처 글로벌서비스센터에서는 봄학기 시작을 맞아 ‘2024 Spring Beginning of Semester Party’라는 명칭으로 3월 25일(월) 점심시간에 피자파티를 예정하고 있습니다. 

외국인 학생들을 비롯한 단과대학(학부)장님, 학과장님들, 외국인 학생이 다수 수강하는 과목을 강의하는 교수님들 참여하실 예정입니다. 소속 외국인 교원  외국인 학생과 함께하는 단과대학(학부) 단위의 소통의 장이 되고자 마련한 행사이니 많은 참여 바랍니다.

1. 행사명 : 2024 Spring Beginning of Semester Party 

2. 일시 : 2024년 3월 25일(월) 12시~13시

3. 장소 : SK미래관 3층 하나플라자(야외) 또는 SK미래관 인재림 (1층 로비)

         * 기상상황을 고려하여 최종확정 예정

4. 참석대상 : 본교 소속 외국인 학생  교원, 단과대학(학부)장, 교무위원, 학과장, 교원

5. 참석예상 인원 :  400명

6. 문의 : 자유전공학부 행정팀 (02-3290-1416)


 To mark the start of the spring semester, the Global Service Center of the Office of International Affairs is planning a pizza party during lunchtime on Monday, March 25th under the name ‘2024 Spring Beginning of Semester Party.’

Foreign students as well as college (department) heads, department chairs, and professors who teach courses taken by many foreign students are also scheduled to participate. We hope that you will participate as this is an event designed to serve as a venue for communication at the college (faculty) level with foreign faculty and students.

1. Event name : 2024 Spring Beginning of Semester Party

 2. Date : Monday, March 25, 2024, 12:00 – 13:00

3. Place : SK Future Hall 3rd floor Hana Plaza (outdoor) or 

            SK Future Hall In Jae-rim (1st floor lobby)

 * Final decision to be made considering weather conditions

4. Attendees : Foreign students and faculty affiliated with our school, college (department) deans, academic affairs committee members, department heads, and faculty members.

5. Expected attendance : approximately 400 people

6. Inquiry : School of Interdisciplinary Studies administrative office (02-3290-1416)